Win over negativity.
Reduce stress.

Welcome to Another Way of Life!

You should not have to choose between left and right, science and spirit, career and well-being, or any of the myriad other impossible choices we are presented. The choice is really one – are you ready to wake up to your true essence or do you wish to continue sleep-walking?

I work with people who have become tired of the endless, leading-to-nowhere ways of this world. Have you tried them all? The career, the family, the meditation on your cushion, the visualizations and the self-help pep talks, the sulking in the corner, the lashing out in frustration? I know. I have been there – done it all, bought the t-shirt, and … let go of it. Do you want to know how?

Start by understanding of your Inner Critic:

That Effortless Be the Way …

Tatiana’s Way

A personal crisis led Tatiana on a quest for answers beyond the physical world. “If I am doing everything right – job, family, civic and environmental responsibility – she asked herself – why am I unhappy? Why am I angry and resentful with people who appear to be doing less but are getting more out of life?”

And this is how her journey started, only to realize half-way through it that the journey had began long, long ago. With her innate ability to see simple and elegant patterns through complex problems. With her earning a Ph.D. in physics, only to realize that life answers lie beyond.

Bringing her formal scientific training and research experience to explorations beyond the immediate visible world, Tatiana rediscovered and validated for herself ancient spiritual principles that lay at the foundation of Yoga and Astrology. She now offers her expertise to all who are ready to discover what lies behind the veil. It is not stupendous miracles, majestic angels, or dreams of collectively vibrating off the planet. Instead, you will discover the one and most amazing miracle of all – the truth about yourself.

Tatiana has a Ph.D. in Physics yet offers astrological readings to select clientele. She has a rewarding day time job as a community college administrator and a wonderful, supporting family, yet she spends her Saturdays coaching others. Why? Because she wants to show others what she has already discovered for herself – the Effortless Reality, shimmering brightly behind the apparent conflict and misery in the visible world. A reality accessible to all. 

People tired of the grind at work, stress at home, the misery in the world, seek Tatiana for astrological readings. They come for the readings but stay for coaching. No matter what your entry point is – making yourself heard, difficult relationships, pivot in the career, or a life purpose – Tatiana helps you land in the same place. The place of Effortless Reality, out of which you find your answers and the means to face anything that comes your way with grace, and poise, without the drama or the suffering. 

My story from a Ph.D. in Physics…

I was in the middle of yet another existential crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic was raging, schools and businesses were closed, and a fire at home forced us to move out of the house until we rebuilt it. I found myself on the brink of something new. I had trouble falling asleep yet would wake up in the early morning hours wondering about life and my purpose in life. People at work overlooked what I had to offer at best, and flat out dismissed it at worst. I had so much to give, so much to tell, and there was nobody to receive it. I did not know what to do. Not only with myself but with my job and life in general. What was the purpose of all that? Was there even a purpose?

… to Metaphysics, JSJ, Astrology, and more.

Fast forward seven years, and I am a new person, with a new vision and new self-esteem. I even look different. 🙂 I have a new job where my team values what, a private life coaching practice, a collection of personal poetry in two languages, and an upcoming book. And all that at the expense of less guilt, no regrets, reduced anger. Talk about a benefit-to-cost ratio!

What did I do, you ask? The shocking answer is not much! Because it is not about the doing, but the removal of blocks, unproductive habits, and hangups in our way of thinking. Which in turn led to less self-sabotaging, less denial, and fewer grievances. The less I indulged in negative thinking, the better the world around me became, the more motivated I was into positive thinking. On and on went this “virtuous cycle,” happily marching me toward a new reality – the Effortless Reality.

This is my story into Effortless Reality, and if it helps you move along with your own transformation, my job on here is done.

Glimpses of Effortless Reality

(Collection of free resources)

Squash Your Inner Critic

That Inner Critic never sleeps. It nags, pontificates, criticizes, and generally has countless ways of making us miserable even when life appears fine on the outside. You can learn a lot about your Inner Critic from your astrological chart – its nature, what ticks it off, and how it likes to manifest itself. But the best part? – How to turn the tables on it and use it productively.

In this free mini-guide, I show you how to do it. Check it out!

Read: Meditations

“32.2 There is no need to change outwardly. The change is inward. Accept your transformation and move on. The alternative is suffering. Why choose suffering when you can go without it? Spread your wings and own your power.”

For the complete selection of messages, guidance, and insights on my personal transition, check out my first book, Meditations.
Available on Kindle Select only until April 1, 2025.

What is the purpose of your life?

If you’ve asked yourself this, you’re not alone. Many avoid or distract themselves from this question, but eventually, it demands to be faced. When you do, transformation begins: vague discontent grows into a breakdown of old habits and beliefs, followed by the work of rebuilding.

How does this process unfold? How do we tackle the obstacles—the old, ingrained, outdated habits shaped by past experiences? What about the fears and anxieties that surface during personal transformation?

I am a storyteller trained in the traditional sciences—or perhaps a scientist who thrives on telling empowering stories. Either way, I invite you to join me on my podcast, Effortless Reality, where I share personal stories and insights on navigating transformation. Explore what works, avoid what doesn’t, and most importantly, stay calm and grounded avoid panic and despair.

Tatiana Gwon, Ph.D.

Tatiana Gwon (née Stantcheva) holds a Ph.D. in physics from the Ohio State University and has worked in the academic field for over two decades as a professor, researcher, and administrator. Drawing from original research and first-hand experience with Astrology, Yoga, energy healing, and Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tatiana speaks on career changes, mid-life crises, personal relationships, and life choices on her podcast Effortless Reality. Her first book is based on her own transformational journey and is coming soon.
